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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 11461311 views, last view: 05/21/2024 20:07

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#5065: Pipe log to file

by Superdreadnought on 11/22/2005 18:39

How can i pipe the log to a file?
(I'm a Linux n00b)


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#5066: ..

by manumanu11 on 11/22/2005 18:39

Help me, please : why it doesn't want to run ?


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#5067: Re: Running Server without having bash opened

by lambroslambrou on 11/22/2005 21:09, refers to #5059

I don't think using an ampersand will work. When you close the shell window, I suspect the shell will take out its children processes (jobs) with it. You should perhaps try looking at the "nohup" command instead - that will allow to create a process that doesn't die when you log out of the shell.
Hope that helps,

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#5068: & works | 24/7 Server

by Superdreadnought on 11/23/2005 14:11

The & works, cause my server is running since yesterday (and i've closed the shell multiple times since then) and i'm gonna try to keep it running 24/7.
Server adress: cube.servegame.org (8 Slots; Location: Europe, Germany)

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#5069: sauerbraten music & stuff

by Devourer on 11/23/2005 17:51

Sauerbraten runs very ok for me, though I have sounds but no music. Strange.
But the important question is: What kind of Sauerbraten is it?
Sauerbraten Rheinische Art or is it Sauerbraten Westfaelische Art? It's important because of the raisins, you know...

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#5070: ..

by >driAn<. on 11/23/2005 18:53

Cuban Sauerbraten :P

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#5071: Re: sauerbraten music & stuff

by Aardappel_ on 11/23/2005 22:24, refers to #5069

Sauerbraten Coburger Art

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#5072: ..

by Superdreadnought on 11/24/2005 17:48

@Aardappel: Bist du auch aus Coburg?

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#5073: Re: sauerbraten music & stuff

by tentus on 11/25/2005 00:19, refers to #5069

i have no music either, but i figured it was something related to my somewhat unique and eccentric sound card. maybe not.

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#5074: Installation Questions...

by marston on 11/25/2005 01:20

Ok, I have two questions:

1. What're the requirements to run this on a pc (minimum requirements, that is...)
2. When I try and install the latest Cube, I get the following error message - "Error Opening File for Writing: C:\Program Files\Cube\autoexec.cfg"... How do I fix this?

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#5075: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 11/25/2005 05:46, refers to #5072

ich hab 2 jahre (2002/2003) in coburg gewohnt (firma crytek kennste sicher)... jetzt aber in dallas :)

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#5076: machine gun funcion?

by samakv on 11/25/2005 07:40

I encountered a player that fired a machine gun at me. The unusual part was on midfire, the firing rate increased like he had a function button for it, similar to CS for the Glock; normal firing on mouse button one, 3 rounds per click on mouse button 2.

I'd like to have it. Is it a cheat of some kind? Or an option? Did not find this in the keymap.cfg or in autoexec.cfg.


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#5077: Cube does not run under SL 4.1

by LinuxUser on 11/25/2005 18:59

OS: Scientific Linux 4.1 (a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 derivative).


When I am trying to run Cube via ./cube_unix, I get an error:

*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption: [some_hexadecimal_number]

Since SL is a Red Hat EL4 derivative, I suppose this means that Cube also doesn't run on any Red Hat EL4 derivative such as CentOS, WhiteBox, etc.

Any ideas? Giving export MALLOC_CHECK=0 at the console before running Cube, doesn't seem to work.

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#5078: Re: machine gun funcion?

by Aardappel_ on 11/25/2005 22:54, refers to #5076

online, you can sometimes get "burst of fire" if you or the other player has lag/packetloss

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#5079: ..

by Superdreadnought on 11/27/2005 17:00

@LinuxUser: I had a problem similar to yours. You have to start Cube via executing the file corresponding to the mode/operating system you'r using (in your case it's 'linux_client' or 'linux_server') in './bin_unix/'-direcory!

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#5080: Die Welt ist klein!

by Superdreadnought on 11/28/2005 15:18

@Aardappel_: Es ist wirklich absolut unglaublich, wie klein die Welt ist!

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#5081: F****** cheaters!

by Superdreadnought on 11/28/2005 15:29

I had a little encounter with a cheater this weakend and now I'm really fed up, becuase it's very easy to cheat in Cube (It took me only half an hour to find the memory adresses of ammo, health and armor; so it's incredible easy 4 guys with my skills to build trainers (there are not too much of those guys, but it's enough if 1 of 'em builds one there'll be much more cheaters). Up to now I didn't find a trainer on the web, but things can change very fast).
If only the developpers would add an admin mode (just a password to enter to get rights to kick and ban bad guys; settings in a server config file) or the option to save the variables ofr ammo, health and armor on the server (just option to set it in server config, because this mode would increase the stress on the server)!

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#5082: ..

by makkE on 11/28/2005 17:03

Dread, I have to agree.
It´s true that it´s pretty easy to cheat cube, but that was always a compromize (great low cost netcode vs. bullibility)

I agree there needs to be an admin mode, or a ability to just kick/ban players for everyone via voting to get rid of those cheating morons. After all, cube´s a small and fun oriented community, luckily we aren´t flooded by cheaters like other more popular games, but still those few idiots can ruin a good game. So I really hope to see a kick/ban/whatever functionality added to sauerbraten.

I remember an incident with a cheater who used insta-mg in an instagib game, and ppl were kinda helpless, the cheater even said "I ´ll go if you all say "I love *hisname*" so.. even if we honest players would have have to kick him 20 times in a row, it would have at least felt better...

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#5083: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 11/28/2005 19:00, refers to #5082

I am not sure how we will combat cheating for sauer.. a kick/ban is one thing, but doesn't really help in the long run. I don't wanna do the binary-only thing for sauer, so it would be even easier to cheat using source. I wanted to do:


but I am not sure if we can make it happen.

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#5084: Anti-Cheating

by Superdreadnought on 11/28/2005 19:24

I don't think that this "trusted communities" method is so great Aardappel. It's too difficult to become a "trusted player" and when you have to wait a very long time to become a one a game WILL lose a lot of attractivity for weekend-gamers and all the others who don't play very often or who just want to star playing right away without "becoming trusted" really will choose another game (and there are a lot of'em)!

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