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CTF edition released!

by eihrul@work on 06/18/2008 03:22, 92 messages, last message: 06/28/2008 17:47, 95455 views, last view: 05/19/2024 05:36

Go forth and download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=102911

Quoth the history.html:
* added new MP maps by Nieb (hallo, shipwreck), schmutzwurst (akroseum, berlin_wall), KillHour (hog2), KaiserTodretter (paradiselost), Mayhem & mIscreant (duomo), Mayhem (tejen), Hero & WahnFred (mach2), TUX (capture_night), SATAN!!! (reissen), Redon (c_egypt), and Kal & DairyKing (kalking1)
* added MitaMAN's new SP campaign: "Private Stan Sauer"
* added Fanatic's new 10 song soundtrack "Spontaneous Failure"
* added geartrooper's new MD5 character model: Mr. Fixit
* added ctf and insta ctf game modes
* added support for cloud boxes and cloud layers over sky box
* added in-game text editor for editing cfg files
* texture browser now displays glow, rotation, and offsets
* added console message filter (controlled via "confilter" and "fullconfilter" vars)
* "follow" command now works in first-person (can spectate in third-person via "thirdperson" var or 9 key)
* added support for Cube Server Lister extended information
* added support for Mumble positional audio (contributed by The Conquerors clan)
* added "apply changes now?" dialog using "resetgl" command (toggled via "applydialog" var)
* made clip material coexist with other materials (so water/lava can clip)
* added "death" material for forcing player suicide
* added "fullconsize" var for controlling the percent of the screen the full console occupies
* undo now works with heightmap editing mode
* now automatically pick up ammo boxes when touching a base in normal capture mode (toggled via "autorepammo" var)
* lowered the minimum gridpower to 0
* added "texoffset", "texrotate", and "texscale" commands for more easily specifying texture slot parameters
* texture rotation is now done via texture coordinate generation (instead of making copies/wasting memory)
* added "sayteam" command for chatting to teammates (bound to Y key by default)
* added optional t-joint removal to fix world sparklies (toggled via "filltjoints" var)
* made hit crosshair show when successfully hit enemy (duration set via "hitcrosshair" var)
* made teammate crosshair show when aiming at a teammate (toggled via "teamcrosshair" var)
* player is now dumped to an empty map if he does not have the particular map in multiplayer
* added support for soft particles/explosions (toggled via "depthfx" var)
* added support for "pulseglow" shaders in fixed-function mode
* added "texscroll" command for scrolling texture slots
* added cheaper/more-controlled glow/specular bloom (controlled via "glare" var)
* added "texgui2d" var for toggling whether the texture palette uses a 2D or 3D gui
* scoreboard now always defaults to 2D, regardless of GUI settings (controlled via "scoreboard2d" var)
* added "waterfallcolour" command to control coloring of waterfalls separately from water
* optimized water reflection/refraction with scissoring and tighter frustum culling
* added refractive waterfalls (controlled via "waterfallrefract" var, disabled by default due to cost)
* added environment-mapped waterfalls (controlled via "waterfallenv" var)
* added tethers that show who is capturing a base (controlled via "capturetether" var)
* rewrote particle renderer to make it more extensible
* rewrote world renderer to more efficiently batch draw calls
* made lightmaps use a texture atlas to enable better batching of draw calls
* locked physics at fixed rate of 200 Hz (no more variable rate)
* revised handling of slopes in physics to reduce sticking problems
* made underwater fog/caustics fade in instead of turn on immediately at the surface
* added "resetgl" command to restart the renderer while running
* added builtin zoom (toggled via G key or "zoom" var)
* added directional damage indicator to the HUD (toggled via "damagecompass" var)
* smoothed out the shadow boundary caused by the shadowmap depth peeling
* softened water edges now work when under water
* players can now reconnect to private games when disconnected, so long as their IP matches
* added precomputed visibility/PVS system for occlusion culling on 3D cards that don't support OQ (see editref.html)
* added support for environment-mapped water reflections as a cheap fallback (used if "waterreflect" is off)
* added movement smoothing for other players in multiplayer (reduces jumpiness from packet loss)
* added "fullbrightmodels" var for controlling fullbright-ness of player models
* added MD5 model support with new skeletal animation system (see models.html)
* added OBJ model support (see models.html)
* added new decal system for bullet holes, scorch marks, etc.

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#21: Re: Hit Change

by Maddog1906 on 06/18/2008 15:27, refers to #6

what command would you use in the game to change the hit crosshair?

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#22: Re: ?

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 06/18/2008 16:23, refers to #15

* revised handling of slopes in physics to reduce sticking problems

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#23: congratulations!!!!

by mau on 06/18/2008 16:40

y\'all did a fantastic job on the engine. i don\'t get the \"freezes\" i used to get and the performance is even better than it already was. just wanted to congratulate you guys and say thanks a million.

congratulations to the map-making folks out there too. the new maps are awesome!

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#24: ..

by Julius on 06/18/2008 17:54

Bug report: Happend in a CTF game on the TC server several times.
All players could pick up items but the ammo etc wasn't added to their inventory and flags could not be picked up. After a level restart it was usually gone.

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#25: Re: ..

by Mr.Piddly 00000001 on 06/18/2008 17:58, refers to #13

I dont have that problem at all.

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#26: Flag Carrier

by tman_elite on 06/18/2008 18:26

Maybe for the next release the flag carrier should have a speed decrease (maybe 10-20%). It's not that big of a change but I think it would work well.

CTF is great. Nice work.

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#27: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 06/18/2008 18:57, refers to #18

It's recommended that you remove config.cfg when installing a new version of Sauer.

In fact, it's also recommended that you uninstall the old and install the new version completely... But who's really going to do that (especially with the -q option)?

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#28: Like New Version a LOT!!!

by Titanic12ship on 06/18/2008 19:03

I like everything a lot, high quality new maps, CTF is great, and I really like the new features. Everything is spectacular.

I just had 1 question: Was the writeobj command taken away? I tried it and looked for the object file and I can't find it. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place.

Anyway, fantastic release!!

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#29: download is slow and keeps stopping

by CC_machine#1847629837641 on 06/18/2008 20:56

my father and I are trying to download, getting only 40 to 60kb/s each though (we are on 2megabit download, wired connection, so 256kb/s maximum) and in Firefox at least, the downloads keep stopping for a few seconds every so often, or claim to be finished (when they arent, and so the file is corrupt.) he is on Windows, i\'m on Linux. same behaviour if i use wget on a terminal.

any other people experiencing download issues from sourceforge? mh.

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#30: Another great release

by tentus_ on 06/18/2008 21:03

Oddly enough, my favorite addition is the cloudlayer stuff. I love how the clouds look in Shipwreck (particularly at gamespeed 400).

I wonder if we could get Yahtzee to give it a whirl? From the sound of his reviews, Sauer would be right up his alley, especially with the new decals and gamemodes.

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#31: Re: download is slow and keeps stopping

by SheeEttin on 06/18/2008 21:15, refers to #29

Try a different mirror.

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#32: low fps with PVS?

by D-TurboKiller (LT) on 06/18/2008 23:14

I wonder why, but I'm getting pretty low fps (less than 10) on more open maps, like shipwreck, which has PVS. Of course, this happens when I see a bit far away. I even tried using the /pvs command to check if it was on. The strange thing is that it's the same crappy FPS with or without PVS. I know I have an Intel card, but still, with an Intel dual core processor with about 1.5 GHz for each core and 1 GB of Memory, I was expecting it to run a lot faster than that. This is kinda strange since I can play UT2004 and any Source game nicely.

(6 times 1? Damn, this is a tough one xD)

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#33: graphics look sweet!

by mitaman1 on 06/19/2008 00:06

Thanks to the devs for the great job on the graphics enhancements. And thanks for including my private stan sauer maps.


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#34: Like New Version a LOT!!!

by Titanic12ship on 06/19/2008 00:31

I like everything a lot, high quality new maps, CTF is great, and I really like the new features. Everything is spectacular.

I just had 1 question: Was the writeobj command taken away? I tried it and looked for the object file and I can't find it. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place.

Anyway, fantastic release!!

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#35: Re: Flag Carrier

by noerrorsfound== on 06/19/2008 01:49, refers to #26

Definitely not. It's already hard enough to capture the flag.

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#36: Message censored by administrator

by {Qs}Homicidal on 06/19/2008 02:22

#37: Re: ..

by tman_elite on 06/19/2008 02:31, refers to #36

Making the flag carrier slower would probably encourage more teamwork, since it would be harder to capture a flag all on your own.

Two other things I think could improve capture the flag:

1. A score limit
2. Make recovering a flag like capturing a base in capture mode (like 3 seconds or so).

These are just suggestions, of course.

Once again, CTF is great. Nice work.

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#38: ..

by smartalco on 06/19/2008 02:48

I like the score limit idea, not so much on idea 2

love the new release (and really glad we can select models now, i played with Mr. Fixit for awhile, just seems out of place... a slightly skinnier version of the ironsuit guy would be best :D

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#39: Message censored by administrator

by {Qs}Homicidal on 06/19/2008 04:45

#40: Message censored by administrator

by tman_elite on 06/19/2008 04:59, refers to #39

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