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new release! assassin edition

by Aardappel_ on 12/22/2007 19:14, 268 messages, last message: 12/29/2008 17:05, 271919 views, last view: 05/14/2024 16:45, closed on 12/29/2008 17:22


New gameplay! Hudguns! lots of cool bits and bobs! Feedback in this thread!

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#227: ..

by ezombie on 02/15/2008 17:50

Ahhhh... rsync is in virtually all stock Linux/MacOSX installs. One simply needs a single command line:

rsync -av master.usef-et.org::sauer <local folder>

I took the src folder out of the master repo. Perhaps I should put it back in.

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#228: ..

by ezombie on 02/15/2008 19:16


Typo. The correct url for the repository server is:

rsync -av repo.usef-et.org::sauer <local folder>

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#229: Re: ..

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 02/15/2008 19:23, refers to #227

MAke sure it doesn't delete autoexec.cfg.
It -should- delete config.cfg because older versions of that can break new relases, and users should already have their important binds in autoexec.

Oh, and possibly add a warning than previous customisations not saved in autoexec.cfg will be lost.


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#230: ..

by ezombie on 02/15/2008 20:38

Good advice. Will do.

What about custom maps?

I could have it ignore client-side only ogz files...

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#231: Re: ..

by demosthenes on 02/15/2008 20:59, refers to #230

That would probably be best.

Personally, I've got my dual-boot machine set up so that the configuration files and custom maps are all in one folder on my Linux partition, and the Windows just uses the -q command-line attribute. That way, I can trash the whole Sauer folder when it's time to install a new version. :)

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#232: Re: updates

by ezombie on 02/16/2008 04:20

Ahh poo

The updates seemed kinda big (100MB for spring -> assasin), and it turns out that Sauer is pretty much non-delta compressible. Shoud've known better, since almost all the the content is already. GZ and JPEG compression causes even small changes to radically modify almost all the bytes in a file. This renders patches and diffs almost useless.

So it gives basically the same performance as what I said earlier (atomic file updates by hash). But it *is* much easier then making self contained update installers. And there is a small decrease in total size - which is better then nothing. The other benefit is that it is infinitely resumable and file corruption is near impossible.

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#233: Re: Increased freezes

by Gambit on 02/16/2008 10:28, refers to #213

@smartalco and BillyBob

I think this freeze-when-somebody-joins bug is fixed in CVS (or I hope anyway - my testing is good so far). By the way, I'm on Linux, and I've heard it happen to Windows users too. The freeze was happening in checkdynentcaches() for me and I usually get it during coopedit after a new player connects. eihrul added a fix for the bug in CVS, but I had to apply the fix to assassin sources due to the map version bump in CVS. If you want to help test the fix:

Go into your assassin release sources and find shared/ents.h; around line 130 is a reset() function. In that function add one line:

floor = vec(0, 0, 1);

compile with make clean && make :) (at least in linux.. dunno about mac)

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#234: no skybox error after windows compile

by rknigh21 on 02/17/2008 12:43

Hi Please help. Trying to get the this release to compile under windows using codeblocks. The source with the release compiles and runs but monsters slide around with no running animation!. If I update the source from CVS then I get loads of compile errors. I think this is because pvc.ccp is missing from the build. The file is there so I add it in. Now compiles ok but will not run. It dies with a "no skybox" fatal error.

Any suggestions gratefully received

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#235: doesnt compile under Linux either

by CC_machine#cookiesaredamned on 02/17/2008 12:59

running Linux, i've also noticed the program freezes my system totally during loading(grey screen before metl4 appears on startup), if i use a version I've compiled.

I applied the patch for Linux, and ran "make clean", "make", then "make install" inside the /src directory. doesn't give me any compile errors though..

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#236: Re: no skybox error after windows compile

by rknigh21 on 02/17/2008 13:19, refers to #235

Thanks, Updating data got it to work. But the monsters still tend to slide rather than run. I will try compiling with Gcc 4.

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#237: Re: no skybox error after windows compile

by rknigh21 on 02/17/2008 17:48, refers to #235

Hi - Having trouble getting Gcc4 to work, I only have limited knowledge of this system. What is VS?

Thanks Robin

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#238: Re: no skybox error after windows compile

by ezombie on 02/17/2008 18:34, refers to #237

I have had good luck running a ever so slightly older version of GCC on mingw - 3.4.2.

For an easy to install GCC 4.1 for MinGW, head here:


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#239: Re: no skybox error after windows compile

by ezombie on 02/17/2008 19:19, refers to #238

Since you peaked my curiosity, eihrul - I just swapped out my GCC 3.4.2 toolchain for 4.2.1 (dw2) and compiled our Sauer project.

Three differences:

1) Took much longer to compile. But it's not horrible or anything.

2) Game runs faster, by a bit. Got about 3-7 FPS increase across the board.

3) Binary is bigger. Much bigger. Went from just over 1MB to 2.5MB. The debug build goes from 6MB to over 13MB. No big deal though.

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#240: Re: no skybox error after windows compile

by MovingTarget on 02/17/2008 21:26, refers to #239

I tried the MinGW binaries from the link you provided, and they worked fine.
But my binary was only 1.32MB, not 2.5! But it was slower.

Oh and by the way (it's just my pet peeve) but in your context, 'peaked' is wrong, it is 'piqued' :P

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#241: Re: no skybox error after windows compile

by ezombie on 02/18/2008 01:28, refers to #240

That one is an earlier version of GCC 4 with a different exception lib then 4.2.1-dw2. I was using the *fancy* one, since it is supposed to result in less segmentation fault runtime errors when you mess up pointers...

And I suppose one should use piqued:


Unless one wanted to be rather punny about it (there I go again with my butcher knife) and imply that one had already been curious about the subject.

I love the origin part - who said the french weren\'t humorous?

I also love this here bastard language (muwhahaha!) particularly *because* it is so malleable.

Might I suggest this yarn for you?


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#242: Re: no skybox error after windows compile

by rknigh21 on 02/18/2008 22:43, refers to #238

Thanks for the easy install for gcc 4. I installed them in the default directory c:\mingw, pointed the compiler and linkers in code blocks at the ones in c:\mingw\bin and did a complete re-build. Compiled ok but the linker gave lots of errors like this

.objs\src\engine\rendergl.o:rendergl.cpp:(.text+0x147e): undefined reference to `setviewcell(vec const&)'

Any suggestions gratefully received.

Regards Robin

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#243: Re: no skybox error after windows compile

by rknigh21 on 02/18/2008 22:58, refers to #242


Fixed this problem.

.objs\src\engine\rendergl.o:rendergl.cpp:(.text+0x147e): undefined reference to `setviewcell(vec const&)'

pvs.cpp is missing from the codeblocks project, I added it in and it sorted that. I have other missing references but will look before I ask this time

Regards Robin

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#244: All compiler problems fixed

by rknigh21 on 02/19/2008 19:52, refers to #238


Thanks the install at


Worked fine. I could not get it to behave with codeblock so gave up and used make. This produced an exe that not only worked but all the monsters run instead of sliding.

Thanks Robin

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#245: Re: updates

by D-TurboKiller (LT) on 02/23/2008 09:39, refers to #232

Hey, I've just found out that Steam released Steamworks (some kind of free version of Steam), and it looks awesome. I think you are even able to upload the content to the Steam servers, and it's completely free.
Link: http://www.steampowered.com/steamworks/

I hope this helps, since I'm a windows user and I like this idea ;)

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#246: Re: updates

by enigma_0Z on 02/23/2008 18:44, refers to #245

Of course there are all the linux users (like me) that would be left out in the cold...

IMO someone should develop a rsync-based app. The app could be developed in python & gtk which are both cross-platform. What is really needed is a server to host the unarchived files for the current release.

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